Tuesday 30 June 2015

Interesting process is going on now that I am observing. 

Listening Vishen Lakhiani "conscious engineering" webinar, I have realised that he "hit the nail in the head" through people being programmed to the certain life style, "the norm", that is acceptable by the society and hence automatically is right for u. The whole matrix of life from the moment we are born we have to follow certain rules from what age we start asking, talking, going to school, college what clothes to wear, what religion to follow, getting a job, working hard to gain success, having family, having kids and it like "one size fits all" recipe with a slight variations here and there.Sometime some of us break through those rules and become individuals recognised and judged by others but forced to be accepted as their models of life has worked well for them. The are other types of individuals who doesn't get recognised but not because their ideas are bad but because its not what they looking for or they gave up trying and become normal in order to make a living.
It is so true that the need to belong is driving people away or towards each other. The fact that you install into our head all of the ideas automatically without questioning it tells a lot. That is why I feel like an alien quiet often since I was a child as I felt most comfortable in my own company and than with my beloved partner, but I still constantly resist the second I feel that I am loosing my freedom to live or think or plan and I start to feel depressed or confused and loose my focus...I never felt comfortable taking on ideas and cultural behaviour just because... I always wanted to keep my individuality and decide to dedicate my life to it through helping women to open it up in themselves.
Being a Personal Trainer, I am using yoga and pilates, and nutrition and different types of exercises as tools to open people up. However, I don't label myself nor want to be labled as Yogi or Hard Core trainer... Because I don't share every single view with them. I don't live yogic lifestyle but I have adapted certain things into my life from it and simply want others to benefit from it as well.
I think that is one of the main struggles I have in my head that if I don't do meditation daily, or perform yoga sequence from top to bottom, I haven't done it at all...I am in the process of changing that thinking though and explaining myself that the fact that I am talking about it, doing even a 1 little thing like breathing or self search, self development, helping other to realise their potential is what keeps me going and makes me unique with my own style... That doesn't fit into any other frame/tribe/community... So I am going to start my own tribe or community ;-)!

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